These sausage casings are suitable for a larger continental size sausage like a Bratwurst and come packed in salt. Once opened you simply need to keep them refrigerated in the food grade zip lock pouch they come in and keep them salted and moist. Storing them this way will ensure that they remain good quality for a very long time.
USAGE: Simply pull out the quantity that you feel you might need and soak them in water for several hours to rinse off the salt and re-hydrate the casings. Run water through them, using the end of your tap. If you have some remaining when you have finished making sausages just re-salt them and put them back in the bag in the fridge.
IMPORTANT: Making dry aged or air-dried meats requires significant care, diligence and responsibility. Results can vary significantly and can potentially not be safe for consumption due to various factors such as method of production, quality of meat, cleanliness of equipment and working environment, drying conditions, molds and general hygiene. Firebrand Australia Pty Ltd will not be held responsible for the outcome of meat products made by our customers. We recommend to always follow a trusted recipe precisely.