Heat Resistant Washable Commercial Grade Latex BBQ Gloves – LARGE Blue


After a light weight and all round heat resistant glove? Look no further.

A commercial grade glove, rated up to 150 degrees Celsius (*for up to 15 seconds) and is specifically designed and suitable for food preparation and manufacturing including contact with grease and oil.

Based on a heavy gauge breathable cotton glove and dip-coated in a high temperature food safe finish, these gloves are both comfortable and offer proven heat resistance, while still allowing for excellent dexterity.

As a commercial grade glove,  it is also tested against wear and abrasion (…a measure of life expectancy) and have been rated to over 500 uses.

Keeping them clean and hygienic is also no problem. They are designed to be machine washed, using common household cleaning chemicals, along with your apron and other cleaning cloths etc.

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